Ayfer Volkan - Klatskin Tumor Type 4 Operation

Ayfer Volkan was diagnosed with 'safra yollarında basit darlık'. One and a half year later, 'darlık' turned out to a malignant tumor in her bile duct. After the diagnosis, she had the surgery which wasn't successful. The doctors gave her two months to live. Ayfer Volkan reached Dr. Ünal Aydın from social media and the other survivors. Dr. Aydın successfully removed the type 4 tumor from the patient's bile duct and reconstruct it. After a 6 month chemoteraphy, Ayfer Volkan is perfectly healthy, tumor and cancer free for 4 years and still. "Dear all, please beware that medicine is not as always as it seems... Sometimes inop cases are operable. I am sad to see that this is a chemo-pharmaceuticals led industry where the patients are always pushed into these directions. Surgery is the best solution if you find a real and courageous surgeon who pushes the limits. I found one. My mom was given only two months. Today it has been a year since then and she is ...